1.Evie, tell us a little about your background

I am a physiotherapist who recently moved to specialise in paediatrics. I work with a range of children who have long term health conditions and disabilities.


2.Why did you want to volunteer at Bath Rugby Foundation?

I first came across Bath Rugby Foundation as part of my year 10 work experience where I helped at an inclusive after school sports club. I loved it so much that I asked if I could start going along each week to help out, and I’ve never looked back!


3.How do you feel when you volunteer with our charity and why?

I have so much fun when volunteering for Bath Rugby Foundation!

The staff are all fabulous, enthusiastic, caring and passionate about their jobs, and I absolutely love how much enjoyment the activities bring the participants. Everyone enjoys themselves, has a laugh and a smile. Often participants will also achieve something new they didn't think they would be capable of. Seeing the pride and excitement this brings is always really special for me. Over the years I have seen so many young people build their confidence through sport and learn a huge range of social skills as well improving their physical health.


4.What have been the highlights / positive moments you have seen whilst volunteering with us?

I hugely enjoyed being able to help at the HI5 Club for so many years as this gave me the chance to see some of the members grow and develop while I continued to work with them. I have seen some come out of their shell, become more engaged with activities and form friendships at the club which has been amazing to see. As a qualified rhythmic gymnastics coach, I was also lucky enough to run a session teaching the hi5 club some skills from my own sport. That was a massive highlight for me! I absolutely loved teaching them new skills, and every person at the club shocked me with how quickly they picked up the new skills. They all blew my mind with their talent and enthusiasm. It was really awesome :)


5.What do you personally want to achieve during your time with us as a volunteer and why?

 I want to continue to help the bath rugby foundation to do its amazing work within the community. I have seen how the charity can have such huge positive impacts on people's lives, and I want to be able to support them to do that for as many young people as possible. For me to be provide an extra pair of hands is one way I can do that.


6.Has Bath Rugby Foundation changed your life?

It has definitely changed my life! Volunteering helped hugely with my confidence when I was younger, especially around meeting new people and being in unfamiliar or new situations. I am always able to relate my volunteering back to my work which helps me develop my understanding of people and communication skills. Most importantly it has given me an amazingly fun activity to help with over the years which I have loved being part of.

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