The Health Education Unit survey carried out in primary schools throughout B&NES has shown that 18% of children have medium to low self-esteem and 38% of children worry ‘quite a lot’ or ‘a lot’ about SATs and tests.

High self-esteem has been identified as an important factor in predicting academic achievement. Children with low self-esteem are more likely to experience social anxiety and have low levels of interpersonal skills, thus becoming withdrawn or giving in easily to peer pressure.

Our Mindset Matters programme seeks to tackle social emotional issues to increase classroom engagement for primary pupils, while Raising the Game is a programme to increase classroom engagement and attainment by building resilience in learners in both primary and secondary schools.

Bath Rugby Foundation seeks to arm these pupils with the resilience and growth mindset approach needed to face new challenges and thus reduce the attainment gap. Pupils will leave our education programmes equipped with the skills that give them an improved chance of success in school and life.

Our programmes in schools provide sport for under represented groups who may not have had the opportunity to participate or compete in the past. In many cases this is the first time these pupils will have represented their schools in a sporting environment.

Premiership Rugby's Project Rugby programme, delivered by Bath Rugby Foundation, aims to introduce the sport to new audiences.

NEW for the 2022/23 academic year - our School's Partnership Programme in collaboration with Bath Rugby.